50plus Lifestyle Sponsorship Information

50plus Lifestyle Lunch & Learn in Far North DallasThanks For Your Interest in Sponsorship

50plus Lifestyle Learning Series is a by-invitation educational luncheon geared toward older adults. With support of our sponsors, we provide guests with a fun social outing to expand their personal and professional network. Guests form new friendships while enjoying a delicious lunch and engaging discussion. Sponsors are invited to attend all lunches and learning series classes. They can invite their network, meet people and see them again, creating an environment to make new relationships as a trusted advisor. Each sponsor can invite their contacts and clients to offer them a complimentary client appreciation lunch. Additionally, more in-depth classes are scheduled periodically at local recreation centers and retirement communities, which provides speaking opportunities for our sponsors. All sponsorship fees are used to cover event costs, including marketing of events, complimentary meals, door prizes, printing and supplies. Sponsor fees are to be refunded or credit will be issued toward a future event in the event of cancellation or event attendance below 10 attendees. We expect 25-40 guests at each event.

50plus Lifestyle Lunch & Learn BuffetSponsor Benefits

  • Branding on invitation emails, event pages and social media events and posts.
  • Your brochure, bio sheet we provide a template for and/or promotional items distributed at each event.
  • Invitations emailed 4+ times for each event to hundreds of local homeowners.
  • Speaking Opportunities at Lunch & Learns and Future Learning Series Classes

Format Features

  • Restaurant private dining room (45 max occupancy) with a big screen for slides and a lunch buffet provided, reserved for 2 hours (11:30 – 1:30).
  • Lunch served with a wide variety presentation topics, audience interaction activities & open discussion leads to regulars returning monthly.
  • Door Prize Drawings, Audience Participation Activities, Open Discussion and Q & A with each presentation topic.

Please Submit the Following Sponsorship Form

Instructions Below For Making Sponsorship Payments
Please send a headshot, company logo, and any necessary branding disclaimers to to blake.hollers@gmail.com along with any questions about 50plus Lifestyle Learning Series, which includes 50plus Lifestyle Lunch & Learn and the 50plus Lifestyle Learning Series satellite classes.

Making Sponsorship Payments

Make sponsorship payments via Zelle to 214-796-0505 or text Blake Hollers at that number, or email blake.hollers@gmail.com for other options including Cash App, PayPal, Venmo and mailing a check. When payment is received, we will email you a paid invoice for your records. This is an ever-evolving collaboration – We are always happy to discuss ideas for improvement, especially with our sponsors. Continual improvement is our goal. and work as a team to return the highest value possible. Providing value to guests and sponsors alike is our bilateral purpose. The event host/organizers, a small sub-set of our sponsors, meet regularly, organize sponsor happy hours and are always available to collaborate about our speakers, format, content and ways of maximizing our effectiveness. Feedback is a chosen breakfast of champions! We appreciate your participation and support!